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The Original 10
The Original 10 were hand-picked to participate in the inagural SMIR2017. With very limited maps and instructions, the 5 teams were set ashore on Arholma early in the morning on Thursday July 27th for the start of an unforgetable day.
10 hours later after running across 7 islands in scorching heat, 7/10 made it all the way to Utö. Team nr 2 Girl Power with Elisabet and Johanna were the winners with the time of 5 hours and 56 minutes and 62.46 km.

Top row: Nicholas Roman, Jannica Sigurdson, Elisabet Pärsdotter Westman, Johan Ruster and Jimmi Storm
Bottom row: Linus Norrbom, Ulirka Emegård, Johanna Wallensten, Erika Hammar and Michael Lembke.
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